
Monday, March 22, 2004

Haiti's Default Win 

Haiti's Default Win

Haiti's former President Aristide has conceded his presidency by default. His resignation not formally revoked nor contested anywhere else- he is left perhaps, a personal cause of action against the powers he has assumed concerted to replace him. His 'default' and the initial constitutional form sustain Prime Minister Latortue and Acting President Alexandre.
In other Haiti news notes below at the 'debrief' Haiti links - notably Radio Metropole Haiti (francais) - US Ambassador Foley opines a better climate for open and fair elections -but sees them set for perhaps 8 or 9 months in the future -ie November -skirting Haiti's spring and fall rainy & hurricane seasons. Also noted is an article about Aristide's Government's $5 million Washington DC USA-Lobbying expenses. That piece however doesn't style it a bargain - it is cheap by DC standards -but paltry spending when compared to the Free Iraq lobby (partly US funded - about a $1 billion? but look what they got!)
Haiti's constitution requires a 90 day maximum acting presidential term. So until the international community fully recognizes the new government -de facto- it is. CARICOM, as noted in the piece below by AFP, has not yet formally recognized the new Haiti and until then neither has Aristide's host: Jamaica. If the presidency 'fails' then the Prime Minister governs until its disability is cured by one constitutional opinion.
Former General Abrahams is the new security chief -and a moderate in Latortue's cabinet. What Haiti will need is patience, help, and a good legal electoral reckoning for the new provisional government which may have to delay elections ..and re-vamp its house. For legality -not ratio-cination - the UN could sustain Haiti's government of national 'unity' - with little or no suppression of Haiti's sovereignty -but with national reconstruction endorsement. Clearly Haiti needed change and crime reduction - materially. That was sought last year at Kingston - but Aristide claimed the international help was never clearly there. And now? Well he can observe - and maybe meet his nation half-way - possibly agreeing to the provisional government instead of failed government, and, Venezuela style - amend or reform Haiti's constitution; at least for electoral sensitivity - more frequent elections.
Now, Latortue has a chance to place his re-construction plan 'le plan nationale provisore' - before the Haitian people and do as an alternative.

Haiti Links Haiti-Info article from AFP-English new government summary

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