
Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Haiti's New Prime Minister May Be Named Today 

Acting President Alexandre anticipates naming a new Prime Minister by today March 9 2004. President Aristide is styled as departed the country, resigned the office -"evacuated" per today's Radio Metropole Haitien link at this site news reports (French).
Another Blogspot log recommended for its content pertinent to Haiti - including remarks of Ramsey Clark; and a 'Democracy Now' interview with President Aristide from Monday March 8 2004. mundamanu In the interview recounted there Aristide alleges a 'trick' by Ambassador Foley in conjunction with Guy Phillipe's men
and American 'military' people steering him to a 'press conference' which turned out to be is 'evacuation' - signing a 'piece of paper' in the process which was a 'statement' for the news conference.
US State Department Spokesman Boucher has referenced Aristide as officially resigned - departed the Haitian presidency.
In other items at the 'blog' above Aristide is seen as duplicating - with others noting -Toussaint L'Overture's 'kidnapping' to France n 1802.

Editor's note-
Aristide must in a judicial or political forum in Haiti -formally express his non-resignation -by revocation of any writings and contest his sucessor's installation - or his resignation is deemed effectuated and the Haitian Presidency vacated.

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