Haiti's New Prime Minister Relieves Bush Headache
Acting President Alexandre of Haiti - true to his promise of action today - named Gerard Latortue to be haiti's next Prime Minister. -See Google ws search below -- excerpt from Reuters -describes Latortue as a former foreign Minister under a former Haiti President Magnat - deposed in 1988 and an economist. [credit news source -Reuters]
GW bush's possible negative fallout in the potentially close Florida vote with its Miami "Little Haiti" district will be softened by the Latortue selection. Latortue a Haitian resident in America - and a Florida businessman -is also the host of a weekly Miami TV show aimed at exiled and immigrant Haitians. - - That Haitian connection with te business community may offset any voter unhappiness with the circumstances of Mr Aristide's flight.
'Gerard Latortue' -Google News Search
Prime Minister designate Latortue would still need affirmation before the Haitian Houss of Deputies - which can be summoned by the President in Special Session -- and would establish a Government (A Cabinet of Ministry Chiefs) to administer the Haitian Government. Haiti's President - presides over Cabinet meetings - the Prime Minister functions as 'executive officer' of the Government -- for Americans this would be akin to President Bush naming a Chief of Staff
to lead and direct the Cabinet and the Government. Haiti's Congress - a separate legislative power does not choose the Prime Minister from its majority - but assents to the President's selection - but can refuse that selection.
Other time lines for Haiti - the Acting Preisidency by the Constitution cannot exceed 90 days -- the Haitian Congress House of Deputies terms expire in May 2004 - or the 4th year end of their swearing in later in 2004 -it is in Recess -- the Haitian Senate also up for election -for one third of its members to 6 year terms. Those terms cannot be extended.
Haiti's State of Emergency - requires a re-affirmation before the Haitian Congress periodically (ie 15 or 45 days etc) -and does not suspend the Constitution - but provides by the Constitution an emergency administration with some power and rights curtailment. The Haitian Constitution provides for a declared temporary state of emergency.
Lastly - as to policy -
Aristide says he is still president
Foggy Bottom and the Quaid'Orsay say he is gone
The Haitian Government are following the constitutional process for a vacated office - Aristide's office has been vacated -'evacuated' ..and suceeded by the constitutional provisions.
# posted by scotty of course : 7:19 PM