
Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Latortue's Selection by Compromise 

Latortue's Selection by Compromise

Gerard Latortue's selection was made by Actng President Alexandre using the formula of the comproomise worked put by the OAS, CARICOM and President Aristide. In all their plans - a council of eminent persons would be selected by a mixed tri-partite group which reperesente a cross section of Haitian politics. The President would select one from their list of two or three Prime Ministerial nominees.
President ARistide left -leaving the plan and selection to Acting Preisdent Alexandre.
Per AHP - the panel of 7 in voting gave 3 votes to Herard Abraham (an American favorit) - 3 votes to Smark Michel (the French favorite) and one for Gerard Latortue. Acting President Alexandre chose Gerard Laortue.
story here in French at AHP

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