Saturday, March 27, 2004
Latortue's Precedent
Prime Minister Latortue's precedent has established him and damned him. He is instantly forgiven and become the bete-noire for effecting the current Haitian solution committed to by Aristide before his ousting. A legally minded man - if the UN were to seek his removal -he would comply -- but likely only through the replacement of him with a UN administration of Haiti. His provisional government was conceived and promoted 2 years ago at the last attempted coup against Aristide. His conviction that a material sector of Haiti - even among Lavalas will never effectively support Aristide has been proven. Let Aristide and supprters commit to a rescuing governing provision - or stay on holiday - the UN will do the same and must or abnegate Haiti to civl war. |
CARICOM Gums Latortue In Haiti
In what appears to be a classic diplomatic botch - the Carribbean Community of Nations -CARICOM ..meeting at its semi-annual summit in St Kitts March 25-26 2004 has rejected the Latortue Government of Haiti; while Prime Minister Latortue has worsened the matetr by not sending a formal address to the summit in St Kitts. News summaries at the links below. CARICOM Rejects Latortue -AP story CARICOM Analysis - CARICOM is seeking further UN intervention and investigation into Aristide's demise whith the African Union joining it. Fortunately for Latortue - while not recognzed - he was not condemned -- CARICOM is sympthatic with Haiti's problem -addressed strongly to Aristide last October at Kingston -- and now has reason to seek a 'bridge' of constructive relations -ie caretaker or provisional - with Haiti to assist in delivering ther relief and the restoration of law the nation needs. The UN's ReliefWeb news site reports the continued flow of international assistance -apparently with UN endorsement and the beginnings of attempts to disarm with a UN peacekeeping force. Caricom still has not committed forces to it - while condemning the past breakdown of law win Haiti. Latortue's government is legal if Aristide does not initiate in Haiti attempts to regain his office. His vacancy and failure to revoke his resignation created a vacancy which was constitutionally addressed. His duress claim fails - or the UN is the alleged coup's father. A New York meeting at the UN or in Haiti with pre-paid support facilities for the meeting ( Haiti is broke ) can resolve the split. Haiti's Aristide government failed -materially in every essential delivery of national government by reason of the insurgency and the effete address of it. Latortue's provisional government call gains credibility by on-ground delivery and the UN's backing. |
Monday, March 22, 2004
Haiti's Default Win
Haiti's former President Aristide has conceded his presidency by default. His resignation not formally revoked nor contested anywhere else- he is left perhaps, a personal cause of action against the powers he has assumed concerted to replace him. His 'default' and the initial constitutional form sustain Prime Minister Latortue and Acting President Alexandre. In other Haiti news notes below at the 'debrief' Haiti links - notably Radio Metropole Haiti (francais) - US Ambassador Foley opines a better climate for open and fair elections -but sees them set for perhaps 8 or 9 months in the future -ie November -skirting Haiti's spring and fall rainy & hurricane seasons. Also noted is an article about Aristide's Government's $5 million Washington DC USA-Lobbying expenses. That piece however doesn't style it a bargain - it is cheap by DC standards -but paltry spending when compared to the Free Iraq lobby (partly US funded - about a $1 billion? but look what they got!) Haiti's constitution requires a 90 day maximum acting presidential term. So until the international community fully recognizes the new government -de facto- it is. CARICOM, as noted in the piece below by AFP, has not yet formally recognized the new Haiti and until then neither has Aristide's host: Jamaica. If the presidency 'fails' then the Prime Minister governs until its disability is cured by one constitutional opinion. Former General Abrahams is the new security chief -and a moderate in Latortue's cabinet. What Haiti will need is patience, help, and a good legal electoral reckoning for the new provisional government which may have to delay elections ..and re-vamp its house. For legality -not ratio-cination - the UN could sustain Haiti's government of national 'unity' - with little or no suppression of Haiti's sovereignty -but with national reconstruction endorsement. Clearly Haiti needed change and crime reduction - materially. That was sought last year at Kingston - but Aristide claimed the international help was never clearly there. And now? Well he can observe - and maybe meet his nation half-way - possibly agreeing to the provisional government instead of failed government, and, Venezuela style - amend or reform Haiti's constitution; at least for electoral sensitivity - more frequent elections. Now, Latortue has a chance to place his re-construction plan 'le plan nationale provisore' - before the Haitian people and do as an alternative. Haiti Links Haiti-Info article from AFP-English new government summary |
Haiti's Final Straw?
An article in the Jamaica Observer highlights Haiti's business community's concern over President Aristide's plan to raise (by a change in the law through Congress) Haiti's minimum wage. This was reported to have been the catalyst to the convenient insurgency purchase which has triggered so many "Aristide is gone" yawns. The piece also opines about the stay of Aristide in Jamaica. Analysis-As also noted in the past blogging here - the column hints at the Bush Adminstration and the UN's concerns about the problems of popular elective but monopolistic parties - implying Kenya's Jomo Kenyatta's great one-party-merge; the Mandela-Mbeke ANC; and, one supposes, a qualm about Zimbabwe's Mugabe and his party. Pluralism is guaranteed by Haiti's Constitution - and in the other mentioned nations -but short of a militant minority coup d'etat there is no good solution. Jamaica will be a good 'staying place' for Aristide - -maybe the Haitians and he can learn from that nations wonderful Manley-Seaga bi-polarity. Never always calm nor easy - it gave Jamaica her stable polity today -and what the world expects in at least a bi-party nation. President Bush and Secretary Powell perhaps recollect the triumph and dominance of the Lincoln post Civil War GOP and FDR's New Deal Democrats - - they couldn't be beaten, electorally, most of the time. Parties change - leaders die -constitutions and peoples endure. Haiti needs a fresh look and a new hand - maybe she needs a fresh constitution and the party rotation which benefitted Jamaica. Evidently it does take two -- Mexico is another example! |
Thursday, March 11, 2004
More Haiti News Briefs & Aristide's Bizarre Departure Defense & 'House Arrest'?
More Haiti News Briefs & Aristide's Bizarre Departure Defense & 'House Arrest'?Toronto Star -Claims Aristide Will Sue and Styles His Asylum - House Arrest S.Africa Newspaper Praise for Latortue more Gerard Latortue profile from Florida newspaper |
Aristide 'Nap Credibility Assailed by Asylum Offers
Aristide 'Nap Credibility Assailed by Asylum Offers"All Africa News" website story reports multiple asylum offers on-board his undeparted aircraft before he left Haiti - negating his version of coercion or kidnapping. Story here and above |
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Haiti's New Government - Opinion
Haiti's new government has a few options under its present constitution before it considers Latortue's past suggestion of a provisional government. Haiti can amend her constitution; or partly suspend it with a State of Siege or Emergency -- Haiti Constitution Article 206 - Conciliation Commission also affords an option to work a political compromise -with a committee composed of the Presidency, Prime Minister, and certain elements of Congress and the Supreme Court. Offering a disablement - the Acting President can permit the new Prime Minister to sustain more executive power as the chief of government with the Acting President-disabled. More depends on the legitimacy of Latortue's office -- the Congressional affirmation .. and the resolution of President Aristide's departure. Should the constitution fail -and Haiti's has not had a successful 17 year run in national harmony - then its people could commit to a provisional government with a costitutional convention while applying atortue's plans. This would require some measured form of national assent - or a UN suspension and re-construction of the Haitian Government. Article 206 |
Latortue's Selection by Compromise
Latortue's Selection by CompromiseGerard Latortue's selection was made by Actng President Alexandre using the formula of the comproomise worked put by the OAS, CARICOM and President Aristide. In all their plans - a council of eminent persons would be selected by a mixed tri-partite group which reperesente a cross section of Haitian politics. The President would select one from their list of two or three Prime Ministerial nominees. President ARistide left -leaving the plan and selection to Acting Preisdent Alexandre. Per AHP - the panel of 7 in voting gave 3 votes to Herard Abraham (an American favorit) - 3 votes to Smark Michel (the French favorite) and one for Gerard Latortue. Acting President Alexandre chose Gerard Laortue. story here in French at AHP |
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
TabarreTabarre - the Port au Prince section or suburb whch is home to the Aristide Foundation .. and location of the residence of the departed President Aristide. President Aristide's home was pillaged the weekend he left -despite protection he and the UN ordered homes of the junta on their departure in 1994. However the diversion of police in Port au Prince may have worsend the public safety situation. Link above is to a page at 'debrief' withassorted WWW links about Tabarre and aspects of Haitian political life. |
Latortue Favored a Haitian Provisional Governemnt in 2002 Should Aristide Resign
Latortue Favored a Haitian Provisional Governemnt in 2002 Should Aristide ResignBrief article from Metropole Haitien - -- in French -envisioned a provisional governemtn proposed by 'Professor' Latortue in December 2002 should Presdent Aristide leave office. Latortue had no connection - with the coup in 2002 which had threatened Aristide with an attack on the National Palace - current rebel leader Guy Phillipe was alleged involved as a leader in that one -but stayed in exile and pled an alibi for the days events. |
Haiti's New Prime Minister Relieves Bush Headache
Haiti's New Prime Minister May Be Named Today
Acting President Alexandre anticipates naming a new Prime Minister by today March 9 2004. President Aristide is styled as departed the country, resigned the office -"evacuated" per today's Radio Metropole Haitien link at this site news reports (French). Another Blogspot log recommended for its content pertinent to Haiti - including remarks of Ramsey Clark; and a 'Democracy Now' interview with President Aristide from Monday March 8 2004. mundamanu In the interview recounted there Aristide alleges a 'trick' by Ambassador Foley in conjunction with Guy Phillipe's men and American 'military' people steering him to a 'press conference' which turned out to be is 'evacuation' - signing a 'piece of paper' in the process which was a 'statement' for the news conference. US State Department Spokesman Boucher has referenced Aristide as officially resigned - departed the Haitian presidency. In other items at the 'blog' above Aristide is seen as duplicating - with others noting -Toussaint L'Overture's 'kidnapping' to France n 1802. Editor's note- Aristide must in a judicial or political forum in Haiti -formally express his non-resignation -by revocation of any writings and contest his sucessor's installation - or his resignation is deemed effectuated and the Haitian Presidency vacated. |
Monday, March 08, 2004
Keeping Aristide's Case Alive
An International Action Group delegtaion from the United States - a private group affiliated with former US Attorney General Ramsay Clark; and President Aristide's lawyer, have met with President Aristide in Bangui, Central African Republic today - March 8 2004; after first being refused access to him yesterday. Consequentially they filed a press release noting the 'lock and key' status of the Hatian Pesident in the CAR. Relenting, the CAR officials arranged a meeting with the group and President Aristide today. Should you wish to read more and circulate a communication to the media in your locality to not abandon this news matter - use the links below. International Action Center Contacting media in your locale Most Americans are raised to respect their own and other nations democracies, and firmly believe a sitting head of state or government when so seated, should remain so through his term of office or until a voluntary resignation or other removal by law replaces him. President Aristide's resignation should have been revoked or disregarded as soon as the duress circumstances which induced him to sign it were past - and he should be returned to his nation -abiding by its constitutional processes for his office encumbrance there. |
AHP-Haiti ... and Haiti en Marche have confirming news accounts today -March 8 2004 of Judge Alexandre's swearing-in ceremony at the National Palace in Port au Prince. Attendant were the Papal Nuncio and Prime Minister Yvon Neptune. By the AHP account (from the French) Acting President Alexandre will form a national unity governemnt with a new Prime Ministererial appointment by this weekend; and anticipates a new presidential election within the time period of constitutional specification (90 days). No prominent members of the Opposition were present. Acting President Boniface Alexandre stated that he and the Prime Minister and Lavalas associates etc., sought no power grab but a continuation of the Government and that Aristide has vacated the office. [credit AHP -translated from the French text] Unless Aristide contests this now or conveys a cession of the issue either in the International Court; or by his proxy before an appropriate Haitian forum .. his Presidency is ended. His still-sought Administration moot, save for the history. |
Alexandre Sworn In -CNN
Haiti's Supreme Court Chief Justice Boniface Alexandre has been sworn in as Haiti's Acting President per CNN Constitutional Note: As Acting President - Alexandre cannot be a candidate to succeed himself and Haiti must hold new presidential elections within 45 to 90 days by the Constitution. |
Aristide's Flight
Aristide's flight was intended to a create truce by an impression of departure. However the news is weighed from Haiti and Bangui C.A.R. now, what appears clear is that a security assumption hurredly pressed on President Aristide, was worked out -ad hoc- with the French Government, and Aristide's American influenced security team. His 'resignation' -which should be revoked or determined as invalid by 'duress' was negotiated during a US Embasssy procured rebels' truce to halt a bloody advance on the Haitian capital. Depicting a departure from Port au Prince may have been a time buying tactic. French government accounts not yet forthcoming, Aristide's flight account in re-tread references a flight into Dominican Republic airspace - then an indecision as to his transit. News sources during the flight, (unavailable inflight to Aristide) referenced Morocco first; then per accounts-post, claimed the French recommended a secure CAR miitary airbase adjoining Bangui's international airport. The full impression of an 'unheard' or 'unhearable' Aristide may have been a factor for the truce.
The USA armed force other than a US Marines supplement was one day's sailing away from its Norfolk departure. Why other than convenience and a perception buffering by the distance - the Haitian President other than his or his handlers choices was not more Carribeanly placed among CARICOM nations is unknown. The delay - mutually Haiti's and the international community's in sending ground forces to Haiti (as late as Thursday's (February 26) media broadcast - was a factor in checking the rebels advance. Again the Haitian President should revoke the resignation and return to Haiti - including addressing his status if challenged in that act with the Haitian Cogress. The USA, France or the UN can and should arrange the trip and return him. An American President cannot lawfully 'kidnap' a foreign head of government or head of state; however one makes the styling of the 'flight'. Further hubrus for the American Government is Aristide's reported plan to raise the Haiti minimum wage (seen as a final straw in "What really Happened") ..and President Aristide's now more openly partisan favoring of the American Democratic Party. Haiti should not insert this US partisanship as a factor -but address it neutrally. Another Haiti occurence -suddenly more prominent in the TV and print media - is the public display of Aristide posters which vilate the Haiti Constitution's anti-personality cult clause. Whether these were Aristide's partisans or his opponents activity seeking to manufacture or exaggerate the images display is not yet known. Aristide and his countrymen's failure to un-ambiguously address his current Presidential status in applied action in Haiti is a major problem now. He can revoke a resignation; resign anew in Haiti; convey the office by disablement to the Prime Minister and so on. Relying on news sources like other observers with analyses from this blogger's savvy. |
Haiti Watch
This posting begins a new blog turning over from 'DEBRIEF's blog the task of information watch and news which has become voluminous at DEBRIEF.
That blog's archives continue and this blog "HAITI" will follow Haiti news and events with commentary and reports. The new blog url is -- -its RSS-XML newsfeed URL will be: DEBRIEF continues at its informal snappy self at Blogger here just click this link |